What are weekend bags? Are these bags are for weekend only or they can use in other normal days? Yes, weekend bags are used for weekend, but more and more people use it as the normal office day now, especially for leather weekend bags. Comparing to other types of weekend bags, leather weekend bags are the most luxury and expensive weekend bags. There are not like weekend tote bags, which specifically for casual weekend activities like shopping and sidewalk. They can replace the function of office bag. This is because of these weekender bags look presentable and nice. They make woman looks formal. Their features and construct close to other types of handbags like black leather handbags and brown leather bags. Nevertheless, these types of bags are received great responses from the market.
Leather weekend bags are considered the most luxury and expensive handbag. Some famous brand like LV, Gucci and Fendi offered exclusive luxury leather weekend bags series. Nevertheless, they also offered other types of weekend bags like weekend tote bags and cotton weekend bags. However these luxury handbags or weekend bags become the favorite collection of woman. Woman brings them to everywhere they go. For example like luxury or patent leather handbag offered by Chanel specifically targeted on career woman. These luxury bags make woman crazy and many of us dream to have one. However one luxury weekend bags normally charged with market price of $800 to $23, 000. Nevertheless some are even more and it all depends on the quality and finishes of the weekend bag.
Luxury weekend bags like leather weekend bags becoming even more “luxury” when it compliments with quality and comprehensive features. Some luxury weekender bags are made from solid leather. This leather is called as cowhide top quality leather. Not every country exported this kind of leather. This leather is durable in use and not easy to get damage. Apart from that, the luxury weekend bags are containing many types of quality finishes. These finishes inclusive of like quality string for making the stitches, quality zips, quality stud and metal hardware for constructing the edge of the bag. These features and accessories make the weekend bags more strong and value. These features also strengthen the bag to use in longer period.
Patent leather weekend bags like the one offered by LV and Gucci always highly demanded. This is because of the bags represent trends and fashion for the season. Woman feels proud with these luxury and expensive weekend bags. The weekend bags offered by them are designed by famous bag designers. These designs are consisting of the latest and most updated trend of the streets. Generally these kinds of luxury weekend bags are offered in limited quantity, probably 10 to 20 per season. Apart from that they are charged pretty expensive. However many people still go after them. Thus the bag manufacturer has less worried on how to sell off these luxury and expensive leather weekend bags.
To conclude my point with luxury weekend bags and to make the statement easier, we should differentiate normal weekend bags with luxury weekend bags. At this point of time, leather weekend bags still considered as the most luxury weekend bags. Nevertheless, they are the prioritize selection for woman when they go for luxury handbag. As such leather weekend bags never missed their market before. Weekender bags like weekend tote bags and weekend duffle bags loved by woman but their responses are not as good as leather weekend bags. Leather weekend bags still stand out from others when people mentioned about luxury weekend bags.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
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